Symmetry and Geometry  in
Neural Representations

NeurIPS 2024
December 14th, 2024
Vancouver, Canada

Bringing together researchers at the intersection of mathematics, deep learning, and neuroscience to uncover principles of neural representation in brains and machines

An emerging set of findings in sensory and motor neuroscience is beginning to illuminate a new paradigm for understanding the neural code. Across sensory and motor regions of the brain, neural circuits are found to mirror the geometric and topological structure of the systems they represent—either in their synaptic structure, or in the implicit manifold generated by their activity. This phenomenon can be observed in the circuit of neurons representing head direction in the fly (Kim et al. (2017); Wolff et al. (2015); Chaudhuri et al. (2019)), in the activities of grid cells (Gardner et al. (2022)), and in the low-dimensional manifold structure observed in motor cortex (Gallego et al. (2017)). This suggests a general computational strategy that is employed throughout the brain to preserve the geometric structure of data throughout stages of information processing.

Independently but convergently, this very same computational strategy has emerged in the field of deep learning. The nascent sub-field of Geometric Deep Learning (Bronstein et al. (2021)) incorporates geometric priors into artificial neural networks to preserve the geometry of signals as they are passed through layers of the network. This approach provably demonstrates gains in the computational efficiency, robustness, and generalization performance of these models.

The convergence of these findings suggests deep, substrate-agnostic principles for information processing. Symmetry and geometry were instrumental in unifying the models of 20th-century physics. Likewise, they have the potential to illuminate unifying principles for how neural systems form useful representations of the world.

The NeurReps Workshop brings together researchers from applied mathematics and deep learning with neuroscientists whose work reveals the elegant implementation of mathematical structure in biological neural circuitry. The first and second editions of NeurReps were held at NeurIPS 2022 and at NeurIPS 2023. The invited and contributed talks drew exciting connections between trends in geometric deep learning and neuroscience, emphasizing parallels between equivariant structures in brains and machines. This year's workshop will feature five invited talks covering emerging topics in geometric deep learning, mechanistic interpretabilitygeometric structure in the brain, world models and the role of dynamics in shaping neural representations. 

Invited Speakers & Panelists

Talia Konkle

Harvard University

Srinivas Turaga

Howard Hughes Medical Institute (Janelia)

Stefanie Jegelka

MIT / TU Munich



Savannah Thais

Columbia University


Christian Shewmake
UC Berkeley

Simone Azeglio
Institut de la Vision & ENS, Paris

Bahareh Tolooshams

Sophia Sanborn

Nina Miolane
UC Santa Barbara

Area Chairs

Maurice Weiler

Algebra +

Alex Williams

Neuroscience +

Mustafa Hajij

Topology +

Program Committee

  Rishi Sonthalia (Boston University)

Thomas Gebhart (University of Minnesota)

Paxon Frady (Intel)

Maghesree Chakraborty (Intel)

Mustafa Hajij (UCSF)

Jacob Zavatone-Veth (Harvard)

Sjoerd van Steenkiste (Google)

Eric Qu (UC Berkeley)

Arjun Karuvally (UMass Amherst)

Alex Williams (NYU & Flatiron Institute)

Valentino Maiorca (Sapienza University & ISTA)

Bo Zhao (UCSD)

Jianke Yang (UCSD)

Brian Bell (Los Alamos National Lab)

Salvish Goomanee (CNRS)

Rana Muhammad Shahroz Khan (UNC Chapel Hill)

Charlie Godfrey (Thomson Reuters Labs)

Binxu Wang (Harvard)

Derek Lim (MIT)

Yanan Long (University of Chicago)

Manos Theodosis (Harvard)

Nikos Kanakaris (USC)

Adrish Dey (Boston University)

Abhinav Kumar (Michigan State University)

Dehong Xu (UCLA)

Qingsong Wang (University of Utah)

Aslan Satary Dizaji (AutocurriculaLab)

Johan Mathe (Atmo, Inc.)

Vinayak Abrol (IIT Delhi)

Kijung Yoon (Hanyang University)

Nirupama Tiwari (IISc Bangalore)

Arif Dönmez (IUF Leibniz)

Daniel Apraez (IIT, Genova)

Stephan Chalup (The University of Newcastle)

Marco Pegoraro (Sapienza University)

Sharvaree Vadgama (UvA)

Aishwarya Balwani (Georgia Tech)

Santiago Velasco-Forero (Mines Paris)

Julian Suk (University of Twente)

Emanuele Rodola’ (Sapienza University)

Shreya Kapoor (FAU Erlangen-Nüremberg)

Yu Tian (Nordita)

Tao Hu (LMU)

Tomas Karella (Czech Academy of Sciences)

Tobias Cheung (University of Edinburgh)

Marco Piangerelli (Camerino University)

Irene Cannistraci (Sapienza University)

Maksim Zhdanov (UvA)

Paul Samuel Ignacio (University of the Philippines Baguio)

Daniel Platt (Imperial College)

Dongmian Zou (Duke Kunshan University)

Wolfgang Polonik (UC Davis)

Alpha Renner (Forschungszentrum Jülich)

Behrooz Tahmasebi (MIT)

Yu (Demi) Qin (Tulane University)

Wenhao Zhang (UT Southwestern)

Samuele Papa (UvA)

Congyue Deng (Stanford)

Jinen Setpal (DagsHub)

Ruqi Zhang (Purdue University)

Ruchira Dhar (University of Copenhagen)

Jens Agerberg (KTH)

Vasco Portilheiro (UCL)

Barbaresco Frédéric (THALES)